Sunday, 25 October 2009

Riders and their Favourite Ponies

Nick likes Passoa because he belongs to him

Olivia likes Rosie because shes pretty,she jumps and she loves her

Caryn likes Peter because he is cute and she loves him

Paula likes Frankie because hes cheeky,cute and he jumps

more Riders and their Favourite ponies!

Lynne and stormy pudding pie because he is the best.

Anais and Gino because he jumps high

Nadine and Queenie because shes cute and cuddly

Shannon and snoopy because hes cute and fun to ride

lewis and storm because he loves him

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Jade and Amy's profile!

Jade has been at Lochore Meadows for 1 year.
Her favourite pony is Charlie.
Jade is 14 years old and her best friend is Amy Green.

Amy has been at Lochore Meadows for 7 years now.
She is 14 years old and has a horse called Sea.
Sea is 6 years old and is an Andalusian,15.3h horse.
Amy is in the canter 5 lesson which is taken by Lynne.
Unfortunately Sea was injured in the field and suffered a hair line fractor.
He is now healthy and can be once again ridden.

Friday, 14 August 2009

pony club camp!

As most of you know pony camp was a great successes.
If you were not there here's what happened.
We all arrived at 7pm on Sunday and put our things in our trailer or tent.
We then went into the school we had a disco and went on the bouncy castles.
Then at about 12:00 we went to bed but just cos we went to bed doesn't mean that every one went to sleep.
At about 7:30 we had our breakfast.
We then had to bring our horses in and groom them.
After that we tacked them up and got on them to ride.
We rode on a hack and on a lesson and we also had to do different tasks.
Later on at night we played games like rounders.
Soon we went to bed and this time we were all tired.
In the morning it was just the same as Monday morning we had our breakfast and caught our horses and so on.
We then did some games,jumping and a competition.
Until 4pm when our parents came to pick us up.
Thank you to every one who took part!

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Dora the pony

Dora was born and bread in Dysart at the Pithead.She is 5 years old and is broken in now and now works in the school.

Bethans profile

Bethan Hughes (age 19) first came to LMEC in 2000.
As a trojan.She then became a riding instructor in 2006 and got a horse called Hope.
Soon Bethan had to sell Hope as she could not spend time with her as she was to busy at the stables.
She then fell in love with a horse called Shandy.
Bethan now comes up every day either to look after Shandy or to work.
Bethan says she realy enjoys teaching people how to ride as she loves to see progress in all the riders.

new lessons

due to the high demand of clients wishing to learn to jump we have created a new lesson on a sunday morning at 10.30am.introduction to jumpingstarting with basic pole work, suitable for all riders canter 3 aiming towards canter 4/5assessment may be required before entry to this essential.if you are interested speak to lynnespecial introductory offer for this lesson. block of 6 for £95.00,

pony club camp!

just a wee note to let you all know we will be having a party and bbq on the sunday evening of camp, we have also arranged the entertainment.....................bouncy castles, sumo wrestler suits, and much more, mums and dads welcome to come along, so if you dont want to miss out on all the fun make sure you get booked in. spaces are running out.stuff you might need.sleeping baglots of spare clothes.munchies for 2 eveningsmoney for lunchthere will be a list put up in reception of any other extras

Monday, 29 June 2009

dance to music!

At L.M.E.C , like last year there will be dressage on the 29th July book for rehersals now.

best name

school ponies

At the stables a pony called Dora will soon be a schooling pony and a horse called Rustle will be joining her.

Sunday, 21 June 2009

Book now!

The summer camp is coming and limited spaces are left so book now for lots of fun and games so if you go i'll see you there!

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Monday Nights

Starting on Monday the 29th June for 6 weeks there will be fun nights.1 week jumping and 1 week pony club games.For adults + children.£20 for 1 night or £12.50 if you ride on any other lesson during the same week.

Stevephen's profile

On Saturday 6th June ,Stevephen Heslop who doent want to say his age but says he's a bit older than his teeth.hee hee! Was riding at the West Fife show on a horse called Polo whos passports name is Luzec. He came 4th in the showing class and came 6th in the novice novice horse.In both classes he was doing show jumping.We think he did very well.Go Steve!!

Thursday, 4 June 2009

New horse

At the stables there is a 2 year old colt, called Tsar

The beach hack

Thanks to everyone who took part in the beach hack on Tuesday 2nd June 09

Name the foal

At the stables there is a new filly 10 months old and she needs a name
so nows your chance we need a name for her
post your suggestions here.
Here are some names so far

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

pony Camp

this years pony club camp 2009 DATES
sunday 9th august at 7pm stay over untill tuesday 11th at 4pm

jumping, games, dressage, competitions,
hacking, demonstrations and much more.

suitable for all levels of riders however you must be 10 years old OR over.


rounders, tig, limbo and any other mad
games you can think of. plus bbq

bring your own sleeping bag and any extra munchies you require
cos there are now 2 nights for midnight feasts.

WHat you waiting for get you name downNOW AND
reserve your place.

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

well done!

Well done to Demi-Lee Samson, 9years old, rides in the 12.30 wobbly rider on Sundays for winning the Guess the ponies birthday.
Well done demi!

demi pictured with tia and her prize a pony puppet

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

New horses!

A beautiful black 15.3hh Gelding,called Lyberty 9 years old
A stunning skewbald 16.2hh Gelding, called Digby 10 years old.

"To be used in the riding school"

Monday, 4 May 2009

cops and robbers video from lochore MEADOWS EQUESTRIAN CENTRE

own a pony day

As most of you know on Monday 4th May own a pony day
was on and it was a great success.
If you took part in the own a pony day please comment
on the day.

Sunday, 3 May 2009

juniors join up

hi Everybody post your news and horse related
information here.

join up and publish your pictures and video